
CO2NSTRUCT project consists of 7 partners coordinated by the Technical University of Denmark – DTU (DTU, Sustain, Dr. Ana Teresa Lima).
The consortium brings together renowned world-leading experts and researchers of complementary expertise in civil engineering and construction materials (DTU), blue economy (DTU, LNEG), circular economy (USFD, UNIPI, LNEG), water and GHG externalities (RUB), supply and value chains (USFD, UNIPI), social-economy indicators, citizen behavior, co-development and stakeholder engagement processes and policy (CRES, LNEG), global data mining (RUB, USFD, CIEMAT), externalities and rebounds effects (USFD), energy poverty (CIEMAT, CRES) and climate mitigation modeling (LNEG, CRES).

Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is in Denmark and has world leaders in civil, mechanical, and environmental engineering. In this consortium we have the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU-Sustain) represented with an emphasis on CE practices for construction materials. The group has vast expertise in construction materials (characterization and life cycle), environmental flows, and blue economy (artificial reefs, foundation to RES, and reuse of fishnets as concrete reinforcement).
DTU delivers strong expertise in construction materials characterization and environmental flows (WP1 leader) and will, at the same time, assure management, scientific coordination, and project monitoring as leader of WP8. DTU has also extensive construction industry connections optimal to gather CE measures and design future CE scenarios.
Website: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
LinkedIn: DTU | LinkedIn
The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) is in Greece and has long-standing leadership in RES and Energy Efficiency, including demonstrations of Societal Acceptance of RES technologies.
Further strong expertise in socioeconomic aspects: citizen behavior, stakeholder engagement, social awareness and acceptance, socioeconomic impacts, policy strategies, and legislative and regulatory assessment and also expertise in TIMES.
CRES will lead citizen engagement-driven research (WP2) and, as WP7 leader, lead all project communication, dissemination, and exploitation actions. CRES will also harmonize CE data, material value chains, and tools and integrate CE in the TIMES energy-climate mitigation model.
Website: The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)
LinkedIn: CRES | LinkedIn

University of Pisa (UNIPI) is in Italy and has extensive expertise in Supply Chain Management, Value Chain Management, and Business Process Management in both linear and closed-loop settings.
Besides in-format methods for network and process modeling, Circular Economy with particular emphasis on supply-chain-related practices.
As WP3 leader, UNIPI will pad the Value Chain of the six selected carbon-intensive construction materials, including the feedback loops established by the pertinent CE practices and contribute to social impacts on the implementation of CE practices.
Website: Universita Di Pisa (UNIPI)

Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) is located in Germany and has word-renowned scientists in resource-efficient construction in buildings, sustainability certification systems, water usage modeling, GHG emissions and global scale biogeochemical modeling.
RUB has long-standing expertise in LCA, renewable materials, and global scale modeling. It will lead the efforts to disaggregate models (CE and climate mitigation) to understand common linkages and augment/couple them as WP5 leader.
Website: Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)
LinkedIn: RUB | LinkedIn

National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG) is based in Portugal.
It has robust expertise in circular design, integrated energy systems modeling (TIMES), policy support for national climate action, EU/national climate policies analysis, scenario co-development, and stakeholder engagement.
With LNEG's unique experience with the JRC-EU-TIMES model, they will lead the framework implementation by expanding the TIMES model and quantifying the CE role as WP6 leader.
Website: Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG)
LinkedIn: LNEG | LinkedIn

The University of Sheffield (USFD) is based in the United Kingdom.
The USFD team has long experience in decision support methodologies, Supply Chain Management, Environmental and Social Sustainability of Logistics/Production Systems.
In this project USFD leads the understanding of rebound effects and social impacts of CE measures application in industry, including “offshoring” to the rest of the world the negative impacts of EU climate action (WP4 leader).
Website: The University of Sheffield (USFD)
LinkedIn: USFD | LinkedIn

Centro De Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales Y Techno (CIEMAT) is in Spain.
It has broad experience in Energy Efficiency in Buildings and energy analysis of buildings through direct and inverse modeling.
CIEMAT will use their expertise in embodied energy of materials, experience with occupation behavior, and review of CE tools with web-based surveys.
Website: Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)
LinkedIn: CIEMAT | LinkedIn